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Crop Report | Strawberries

California Strawberry Acreage in 2019

December 11, 2018 | 1 min read

This past season fresh market returns for many strawberry growers in the state were fairly low. It was anticipated that there would be a large reduction in acreage in the state. The anticipated acreage reduction happened in only one district this year. The Oxnard district for fall planted production dropped slightly, but it is anticipated to increase for summer planted acreage. Santa Maria is virtually the same as last season, but the Salinas / Watsonville district is down more then 10%. There has also been a continuation in the planting of varieties that are higher producing this year, so the expected potential reduction of volume in the state is unlikely this season. The area under production in Florida and Mexico has also changed very little this year (see previous blog) so it is expected that there should be sufficient volumes of strawberries this season as there were in 2018. The only area that may be affected by the change would be late season strawberry production from the north part of the state.

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