With one of the wettest winters on record currently continuing in California, strawberry growers in Oxnard are having a difficult time getting through their fields to harvest their fruit. Many of the fields are simply being sent to juice and puree companies. With more rain in the forecast for the coming weekend the fields will not be able to dry out much. This wet pattern may continue as well for the foreseeable future. Pricing for California fruit is good for those growers that can still harvest their crop for the fresh market.
In other areas in California some fruit and nut varieties are in bloom. There is concern of levy failures and flooded fields around the state. The wet pattern will have an affect on fruit production this year. Some fields are too wet to allow the growers to spray the necessary chemicals to protect their crop. Some types of fruit and nut trees also do not do well with continuously wet soil during bloom. The wet weather pattern will most likely have an impact on those crops.